The »Elbfabrik« will mark a new step for Saxony-Anhalt‘s companies on their way towards digital transformation, resilience and technology sovereignty.

The Fraunhofer IFF is building a new research factory in Magdeburg’s Science Port. On September 4, 2020, the research institute celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the new building.

The demands on modern industrial production are constantly changing. The reasons are the changes in the global economy, the constant development of technologies and the challenges of climate change. The Fraunhofer Institute in Magdeburg, specialist for production technology, must also react to this. For this reason, the institute is expanding its research capacities and building a new research factory in Magdeburg’s Science Port.

The new building extends the Virtual Development and Training Centre VDTC of the Fraunhofer IFF, which is located in the Science Port, and, as the »Elbfabrik«, will house several new research areas of the institute. Among other things, the scientists plan to establish a center for technology-based risk management there.

Completion of the new research center is scheduled for fall 2021. Together with the existing VDTC and its research laboratories, an integrated research and demonstration factory will thus be created on a total of 4,500 m², which will map the entire production cycle, from digital development, production and maintenance to intelligent sustainable energy management. In a first step, the opening will create around 30 new jobs for highly qualified scientists and young researchers.

The investment sum amounts to 18.4 million euros. 50 percent of the funds are provided by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The remaining 50 percent are shared equally by the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the federal government.

Please read here the original version of the article »Fraunhofer IFF feiert Richtfest für neue Forschungsfabrik im Magdeburger Wissenschaftshafen«