Digital Innovation Hub Saxony-Anhalt has been successful in the national selection of candidates for the calls for European Digital Innovation Hubs in the Digital Europe Programme.

The first restricted call for EDIHs is expected to be launched at the end of January 2021, to enable selected EDIHs to start their operation after summer in 2021.

The Digital Europe Programme has just been approved under the German presidency of the Council of the EU and has now to be formally approved by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers.

The programme aims to support the private and public sectors in testing and applying digital technologies and to strengthen digital capacities in five key areas: high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills and the widespread use of digital technology in the entire economy and society. Around 7.6 billion euros will be available for this over the next seven years. Funding from the EU should concentrate on those investment areas which, in terms of the required scope, cannot be managed by the EU member states alone.

To meet the requirements of the programme and to expand the one-stop-shop approach for SMEs the DIH Saxony-Anhalt has joined forces with various partners in Saxony-Anhalt to form a consortium, which successfully applied to the call for proposals. The consortium includes the Mittelstand 4.0 competence centers Magdeburg, Chemnitz and Planning and Construction as well as the Enterprise Europe Network Saxony-Anhalt. It also integrates partners such as the University of Magdeburg and the Harz University of Applied Sciences, the CII, the tti GmbH, the ZPVP GmbH and the Weinberg Campus Technology Park.

The EDIH Saxony-Anhalt will address the area of Artificial Intelligence and specifically deal with topics in the administrative and economic nexus.